Sofa Repairs
Scatter Cushions
Boat Seating
We repair just about any sofa or chair. lots of sofas these days are not made to come apart, i.e, fixed cushions, non removable seat pads, tricky recliners and many more obstacles. This puts You, the customer in a position of feeling like you need to purchase a new sofa or chair or whole new suite. We repair, re-pad, replace, re-stuff cushions that have sunk, sagged or gone flat. We re-web, re-spring and re pad any part of your sofa or chair or both. this could be the arms, the seat, the back and even the sides.
Scatter cushions are part of most peoples lives and something we can change seasonally to change the look of our living room, bedroom, study, day room or any other room in our house. We are working on making our scatter cushions mainly from recycled materials. We are currently 50% there. So the fabrics we use are not only fire retardant but sustainable. They are all bespoke therefore making them unique.
We can also make scatter cushions of your choice, from your fabric or from our wide range fabrics we sell.
We are working on ways to make the interiors last longer using materials that would normally go to waste.
Boat seating is something we have specialised in for over 10 years.. We supply to a number of hire boat companies along with private narrow boats and broad beam. We can re design your seating arrangements to fit with a new style you may have decided on, replace flat cushions that have sunk or just simply worn down to uncomfortable levels.